Friday, May 24, 2013


Sunday, March 17, 2013


Dedicated to each one of you who like the world of JAWADARO.

Friday, February 1, 2013



If blue is your favorite color you will find yourself somewhere in the description
  • With a personality color blue as your favorite color you are conservative, reliable and trustworthy , someone who has deep need to be trusted.
  • You are not impulsive or spontaneous - you always think before you speak and act and do everything at your own pace in your own time.
  • You take time to process and share your feelings. You are genuine and sincere, and you take your responsibilities seriously.
He or she make a loyal and faithful marriage partner and are an honest, trustworthy and sincere friend. They form strong attachments, but risk a tendency to become codependent.
  • The message you send by driving a vehicle that is Dark Blue: Credible, confident, dependable.
  • If, however, your vehicle is a Light or Mid-Blue, you give a different impression: Cool, calm, faithful, quiet.

Put some blue in your life when you want:

  • Calm and relaxation to counteract chaos or agitation
  • To open the flow of communication
  • To broaden your perspective in learning new information
  • Solitude and peace
Wearing Blue

Blue is obviously associated with the color of water and the sea. It represents calmness and peacefulness. Blue also conveys femininity, life, purity, etc., just as water does. Blue can also symbolize stability, security and lifelong loyalty.Wear dark blues for a stable, calm conservative feeling. All shades of blue will help to make easy communication, whether it is with yourself or others. Use blue paper for notes when you want help in remembering a speech or other information.


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lets Talk Colors- Today is color RED

So today I was thinking of collecting information on different colors. Few years’ back I heard about color therapy, so I started to read about different colors. It was very interesting how colors can impact our life, from our mood swings to how people perceive us in that color.

Personally I love RED, so I thought why not start with color RED.


Red is color of action, confidence, courage, and vitality and is the warmest of all colors. 
Red symbolizes passionate love. Red stone Jewelry, is associated to following fact

  • Increase enthusiasm and interest
  • More energy
  • Action and confidence to go after your dreams.
  • Protection from fears and anxieties.

Health Benefits of Red Color

Red foods consist of everything from fruits, including watermelon, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, apples; and vegetables like tomatoes, red peppers, red onions, and red cabbage. So consuming red color fruits and vegetables will
  • Reduce the risk of prostate cancer
  • Protects the body from prostate, cervical and lung cancer
  • Reduces tumor growth
  • Protects the body from harmful free-radicals
  • Protects the body against heart disease
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol in the body
  • Support joint tissue for those with arthritis.
  • Keeps one regular aiding in gastrointestinal health.

If You Drive A Red Vehicle

That means you are giving people a message that you are Sexy, speedy, high-energy, and dynamic. Thats not too bad :)

The important of the color of your vehicle you drive is a lot. Color of your Vehicle is an extension of your personality -- an unspoken but clear message to the rest of the world.

So the big question is when to wear Red

Wear a red accent piece when: -

  • You want to present yourself as bold and dynamic.
  • Red color dress or accessories boost your confidence if you are attending a function or interview where you feel unsure of yourself.
  • If a woman wears a red dress it usually is associated with sex appeal.


Red is the color most chosen by extroverts and one of the top picks of males.  So if you chose to wear red dress, Or red Jewelry on any occasion, call it your lucky day.

If you have any experience with color Red, or you love Red. Let us share it with the world. 

If you would like to pick some exquisite piece of RED jewelry, for yourself or for your someone special, go to